API Errors

Learn about the different types of errors you might encounter when using the AltTextAI API and how to handle them.

Error Response Format

All API errors follow a consistent format, making it easy to handle errors in your application:

    "error": "Error message description",
    "results": [  // Optional, included for batch operations
            "filename": "image1.jpg",
            "error": "Error processing this image",
            "success": false

HTTP Status Codes

The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of requests:

Status Code Description Common Causes
200 OK Request successful Request completed successfully
400 Bad Request Invalid request Missing required fields, invalid image format
401 Unauthorized Authentication failed Invalid or missing API key
403 Forbidden Permission denied Insufficient credits, rate limit exceeded
404 Not Found Resource not found Invalid endpoint, image URL not accessible
500 Internal Server Error Server error Unexpected server error, AI model error

Common Error Messages

Authentication Errors

    "error": "No Authorization header found. Please include your API key in the Authorization header as 'Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'"

    "error": "Invalid or inactive API key"

Credit-Related Errors

    "error": "No credits remaining"

    "error": "Insufficient credits for batch processing"

Image Processing Errors

    "error": "No images provided. Please provide either file uploads, URLs, or base64 encoded images."

    "error": "Invalid image format"

    "error": "Image URL not accessible"

    "error": "Image size exceeds maximum limit"

Error Handling Best Practices

try {
    const response = await fetch('https://autoalt.app/api/v1/generate', {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(data)

    if (!response.ok) {
        const errorData = await response.json();
        // Handle specific error cases
        switch (response.status) {
            case 401:
                // Handle authentication error
            case 403:
                // Handle insufficient credits
                // Handle other errors
        throw new Error(errorData.error);

    const result = await response.json();
    // Process successful response
} catch (error) {
    console.error('API Error:', error.message);
  • Always check the response status code
  • Parse the error message from the response body
  • Implement appropriate retry logic for transient errors
  • Log errors for debugging purposes
  • Handle batch processing errors individually
  • Provide meaningful error messages to your users